Oyster Shingle
Term: Spring 22
Class: Ecological Tectonics
Instructors: Adam Marcus & Alexander Schofield - California College of the Arts
This project is in collaboration with Claire Leffler & Colin Murdock
The main goal of the oyster shingle is to create a properly patterned and textured modular clay component that can be attached to existing waterfront infrastructure in an array of different orientations that lends itself to the structure/stability of the composition as a whole. This analysis brought us to a design solution that centered around modular components that could be easily attached together without sacrificing adaptability. With a unified shingle design and connection system, the adaptability of texture allows for a wide range of variations that is suitable for the Olympia Oyster.
+ Slumped shingles will go on a vertical urban surface in order to provide a habitat for oysters.
+ Creating a porous surface that water can flow through and around that is textured for spat to stick to and solid enough to provide some shelter.